Hello there everyone and welcome to my blog! This is the very first post of a page which will be chronicling the events in the run up to my year in Cambodia. Project Trust recently gave me the opportunity to become one of their volunteers after completing a 4 day selection course. So from August 2012 I will be living and working in a Cambodian orphanage for a year and I cannot wait.
However before I get there I have to raise a whopping £5100! The purpose of this blog is to raise awareness of what I am doing and encourage people to donate to my cause. Also needless to say I feel the need to document my excitement about the year and my journey to get there.
So on here you will be hearing about every stage of my fundraising and a lot about my preparation for the year – this may be learning to cook, trying to pick up some of the language (Khmer) or having more experience of working with children. Also every week I will be putting up a fact about Cambodia so by next August you and I will know a lot more about this country! But for now here are some pictures of Cambodia and Project Trust’s Work. Happy reading!!
A potential volunteer on a selection course |
A past volunteer in an Asian Orphanage |